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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


T Shirt Necklace

1. Lay the shirt on a flat surface; cut off the hem and discard. Then cut the body of the shirt horizontally into strips approximately 2cm long. (They will actually be loops.)

2. One at a time, pull the loops open and stretch until the fabric starts to curl ( you need to use a T shirt that is smooth without any ribbing for this to happen). Stack the loops on top of one another so that all the T-shirt side seams are in the same spot.

3. Once you have the thickness you desire, wrap the seams with a scrap piece of fabric (about 15cm long) from the same shirt. Tuck the end of the scrap under itself.


Melanie Gray Augustin said...

These look great and look like a lot of fun to make. Time to raid The Man's wardrobe for some t-shirts I think :)

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