We think this recipe from Donna Hay is perfect for warm evenings entertaining...
Carrot and Parsnip Fritters with Marinated Feta
- 60g rice flour
½ cup (125ml) iced water
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
½ teaspoon ground cumin
1½ cups grated carrot
1½ cups grated parsnip
¼ cup chopped flat-leaf parsley leaves
sea salt and cracked pepper
¼ cup (60ml) vegetable oil
350g marinated goat's cheese
wild rocket (arugula) leaves, to serve
Place the rice flour, water, baking powder, egg, cumin, carrot, parsnip, parsley, salt and pepper in a large bowl and mix to combine. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Place tablespoons of the carrot mixture in the pan, flatten slightly and cook, in batches, for 1–2 minutes each side or until golden. Serve warm topped with the goat’s cheese, rocket and pepper. Makes 35.
Oh yum. I can taste it already. A-M xx
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